Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety

By: Isabella Favuzza

It’s common to feel nervous or stressed regarding specific events like gaining or losing weight, presenting for an audience, meeting new individuals, etc. These skittish or tense emotions are known as anxiety and frequently arise during these situations. However, some may feel anxious regardless of the event. Those diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder struggle to control their anxiety, and these emotions interfere with daily tasks. Generalized anxiety disorder can lead to behavioral symptoms like persistent worrying, overthinking, indecisiveness, difficulty concentrating, etc. Those with an anxiety disorder may fall victim to severe psychical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle tension, nausea, and trembling. Both behavioral and psychical systems can impair one’s daily activities and significantly reduce their quality of life.

Generalized anxiety disorder may arise from various biological and environmental factors like genetics, personality, and diverse brain structures and/or chemistry. Anxiety disorders frequently have underlying genetic causes, as anxiety typically passes from parent to offspring. Also, those with timid or worrisome personalities may be prone to generalized anxiety disorder. Psychological and psychiatric treatment can significantly support those with generalized anxiety disorder. Psychologists can identify the roots of one’s anxiety and soothe the individual through hypnosis, talk therapy, etc. Also, psychiatrists can offer calming medication to reduce feelings of anxiety, fear, and worry. Ultimately, proper psychiatric intervention can significantly diminish anxiety through prescribed medications to improve their overall quality of life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an generalized anxiety disorder, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively, at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit


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