Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation

Amelia Amen

               Efforts to quit smoking can be a challenging process for individuals who have developed a dependency on nicotine. When an individual tries to remove smoking from their daily routine, they may be prone to experiencing withdrawals. Such withdrawals include irritability, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and a strong craving for nicotine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the U.S and often causes diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more.

               Hypnosis has been found to be a successful technique which aids in smoking cessation and other harmful behaviors. Hypnosis focuses on reducing and changing negative habits and developing self-control over certain emotions and behavior. It can be a source of treatment for helping the smoker remove many unwanted behaviors and habits. In the case of nicotine addiction, hypnosis is used to diminish the craving within the mind. Hypnosis targets the parts of our minds that can be the root cause of the motivation to smoke. The desire to smoke is often triggered by stress and anxiety, finishing a meal, going to a social event, driving, boredom, and more. Hypnosis is a collaborative process between the therapist and patient. Hypnosis only works when the patient wants to learn it. Eventually, the therapist teaches the patient how to achieve a state of hypnosis so they will be able to substitute positive messages for the prior negative ones which will help achieve their goal to stop smoking.

               When a therapist performs hypnosis, he or she will guide the individual into a meditative state. Within this state of mind, the therapist may compare the odor of cigarette smoke to an unpleasant one such as truck exhaust. Another suggestion a therapist may make is that smoking will do nothing but poison your body, and how you should protect your body from such poisons. Our methods were taught to us by Dr. Herbert Spiegel of Columbia University, he is well known for his smoking cessation hypnosis technique. One of the goals of hypnosis is to help the patient become receptive of new ideas and thoughts about smoking. Although hypnosis is an effective way to aid smoking cessation, it is important to keep in mind that it will be most effective with continuous sessions along with the commitment of quitting.

If you or someone you know is seeking hypnosis to stop smoking or other negative behaviors that are troubling you, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Psychotherapy & Psychiatric Services. Contact our Manhattan, NY or Paramus, NJ offices respectively at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit https://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com



Addiction: Alcoholism

Addiction: Alcoholism

By Isabella Favuzza

American society deems alcoholic beverages such as cocktails a social normality, but many walk the fine line between social drinking and alcoholism. Whether you are drinking to socialize, conform, enhance, or cope you may find yourself unable to control the alcohol cravings. Loved ones may describe you as bad tempered or irritable and you may find yourself yearning for that next sip, regardless of the occasion. Many alcoholics are unaware when they cross that fine line; most don’t remember/feel the change.

Alcoholism is a burdensome journey that should never be traveled alone. Asking for help is the first and most challenging step for alcoholics due to guilt, shame, etc. Therapy provides the appropriate and essential tools to aid struggling alcoholics to cope with these anguishing feelings of resentment, anger, and sorrow. Throughout the course of therapy, a psychologist will help alcoholics identify drinking behavior/patterns, identify risk factors, set goals, think positively, provide intensive intervention/care, and routinely monitor the progress. Therapy is designed to construct a recovery plan that enables alcoholics to recover from drinking, regain control of their livelihood, thrive at work, and connect with loved ones. Ultimately, the alcoholic benefits from therapy by regaining control and reestablishing a healthy relationship with friends and family.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse or addiction please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively, at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit http://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com/

Insomnia: What can cause Insomnia?

Insomnia: What can cause Insomnia?

By, Maro Mikhaeil

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by trouble falling or staying asleep. According to the Cleveland Clinic, around one in three adults worldwide suffer from insomnia symptoms. Sleeplessness can be classified into two categories: acute and chronic. Additionally, insomnia may be a sign of a number of mental health issues or even medical conditions. There are several factors that might cause insomnia, including genetic makeup, stress, anxiety, caffeine, alcohol, and more.

Stress, whether it is from your job or school, may keep you from falling asleep. Given that anxiety causes a lot of worry, it can also interfere with your ability to sleep. Caffeine can cause insomnia because it blocks the adenosine receptor, preventing sleepiness and disrupting your sleep pattern. Additionally, studies have shown that alcohol consumption can adversely affect REM sleep, which is necessary for consistently getting high-quality sleep. Lastly, maintaining good sleep hygiene is essential since poor sleeping patterns can eventually lead to insomnia.

If you or someone you know is struggling with insomnia or mental health, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively, at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit http://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com/





Anxiety : The Physical Symptoms

Anxiety: The Physical Symptoms

By: Dyami Efroimson

Living with an anxiety disorder is often accompanied by experiencing persistent feelings of worry and panic over miniscule events in one’s life that are difficult to control. Alongside these feelings of worry, a variety of physical symptoms can also be experienced. Although the direct causes of anxiety are unknown, it is explained by the interaction of several factors such as genetics, the chemical makeup of the brain, and the environment.

                Some of the physical symptoms that one may experience during anxiety attacks are heart palpitations, muscle aches and pains throughout the body that have no apparent cause,  dizzy spells, and shortness of breath. These symptoms come in varying degrees of severity and can interfere with everyday life. But why do these physical symptoms occur?

                As stated before, the direct causes of anxiety have yet to be discovered; however, some symptoms can be explained. Muscle aches, for example, are a result tensing the muscles during times of heightened panic. This tensing can lead to a buildup of lactic acid that results in muscle pains almost anywhere in the body. Another result of this state of tension is ‘tension headaches’, which are pains in one’s head that are caused by heightened tension in the body.

                Commonly, those with anxiety experience pains in their chest, heart palpitations and painful tingling in their extremities. Heart palpitations occur when one becomes hyperaware of the quickness or aggression of their own heartbeat. These symptoms are most likely the result of the hyperventilation that occurs during severe anxiety attacks. Rapid breathing results in decreased blood flow, and can lead to a tingling sensation in one’s hand and feet as well as pains in the chest and change in the rate of one’s heartbeat.

                Another physical symptom experienced by those with anxiety is hypersensitivity. This is the tendency to be hyperaware of how different parts of the body feel, so the pains and discomforts that those without anxiety may be able to deal with, are exasperated. The anxious individual pays more attention to these little aches and pains, causing them to become increasingly severe and difficult to ignore.  Muscles may be tender to the touch and individuals can experience chronic pain that doctors may fail to link to a psychiatric disorder

                Living with anxiety does not simply mean feeling nervous, as some may believe. It is a disorder that affects one’s entire body, and interferes with the ability to perform day to day tasks that come easily to others. However, these symptoms can be treated with psychotherapy, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and medication.

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or their mental health please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling and Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively, at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit http://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com/




Insomnia & The Digital Age  

Insomnia & The Digital Age  By: Nicole Sanchez

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which one may find it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or both, even if one has ample time for restful sleep. With insomnia one may experience disruptions that impair the quality of one’s sleep which in turn may cause sleepiness during the day. Short term insomnia, may occur as a result of stress or may be due to certain changes in one’s schedule or environment. Short term insomnia can last for a few days or weeks. Chronic or long-term insomnia occurs at least 3 nights a week, persists longer than 3 months, and does not have another health issue that could be a root cause. Furthermore, due to technological advancements and the rise in media, there has been a particular increase in insomnia among individuals. Digital activity, especially increased screen time, disturbs a person’s sleep quality because screens emit blue light which suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleepiness. Viewing overstimulating content before bedtime also makes it more difficult to fall asleep, thus, reducing the time that’s usually reserved for sleep.   

Chronic insomnia affects around 15 to 35 percent of adults, so it’s critical to focus on reducing the symptoms and allowing individuals to improve their sleep quality. Researchers believe cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to be the most successful initial treatment for chronic insomnia. Through CBT-I individuals learn to reconstruct the feelings, thoughts and behaviors that are causing insomnia. Hypnotherapy is a method that can be used to help those suffering with insomnia as it helps to induce sleep and places individuals into a relaxed, trance-like state so they can let go of any anxiety.

If you or someone you know is having mental health difficulties and/ or insomnia, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy. Contact our offices at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit http://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com/




Somatic Therapy

Somatic Therapy

By: Amelia Amen

When an individual goes through a traumatic experience, the trauma they experienced may often remain in their body. Somatic therapy is a rising form of therapy that allows individuals to engage in a mind-body connection in order to minimize any arousals of stress. The practice of somatic therapy involves acknowledging how stress and trauma are experienced in the body, then following with engaging in body techniques such as dancing, body scans, etc. The re-occurring feeling of trauma being stored in the body is the result of the nervous system remaining in survival mode, leading to high levels of cortisol being continually released. Cortisol is one of the leading hormones that increases stress levels in the body. Incorporating somatic therapy with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a gentle approach to managing the body’s stored trauma. Somatic therapy can benefit individuals with PTSD, anxiety, depression, coping with grief, experiencing chronic illness or pain, sexual dysfunction, addiction, insecurities, abuse, and more.

Types of Somatic Therapies

  • Hakomi Method: Encouraging the growth of an individual by using mindfulness and experimental practices. It is a holistic approach that focuses on increasing our internal awareness
  • Grounding: Connecting the body to the earth. The individual will use sensory skills to feel energy from the ground to their feet. This is to embody and experience the present moment.
  • Titration & Pendulation: Slowing down and portioning the recollection of trauma to reduce immediate emotional and physiological responses. Pendulation, moving back and forth between feelings, is needed to achieve titration in order to make sensations of stress more manageable.
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): The process of moving your eyes in a specific direction while discussing or embodying traumatic memories. The goal of EMDR therapy is to encourage the brain to process any discomforting experiences and memories. 
  • Resourcing: A therapist will have an individual recall a precious memory or resources that are attached to positive and calming feelings. An example of this could be reminding oneself of a location or person in which they find happiness.

Some benefits that may be a result of somatic therapy include self-regulation in the nervous system, increase in resilience and re-empowerment, developing bodily awareness, and releasing tension along with other positive results. It is important to remember that somatic therapy is not meant to be in replacement of CBT. When experiencing emotions stemming from anxiety, trauma, or depression, it is beneficial to attend talk therapy sessions as a primary source of mental health care, with somatic therapy being only an addition. The goal of somatic therapy is to find relief in your mind and body’s negative sensations to produce more calming and comforting feelings.

If you or someone you know is seeking therapy please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Psychotherapy & Psychiatric Services. Contact our Manhattan, NY or Paramus, NJ offices respectively at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit https://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com

Sources: https://psychcentral.com/blo

Autism: Benefits of Early Intervention

Autism: Benefits of Early Intervention

By, Maro Mikhaeil

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 36 children and 1 in 45 adults are found to have autism in the U.S.

What is autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized as a neurodevelopmental condition where challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication may occur. The CDC says that autism can be detected as early as 18 months and may even go undiagnosed until years later. The earlier the diagnosis, the better, as early intervention is crucial for speech, communication, motor skills, and many more.

What is early intervention?

Early intervention is described as therapeutic services for young children and babies with developmental disabilities. There are many types of early intervention services used, such as speech therapy, applied behavioral analysis, occupational therapy, and more. Early intervention is found to be very beneficial as it addresses many life skills, which in turn makes so much progress for children with ASD in the long run.

It can be difficult to see a loved one struggle with autism spectrum disorder. If you or a family member is struggling with mental health, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists,
psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling &
Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively,
at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more
information, please visit






Addiction: Family Therapy: Families of Addicts

Why are Support Groups for Families of Drug Addicts Important? - Recovery  Centers of America

Addiction: Family Therapy: Families of Addicts  

By: Isabella Favuzza

Addiction is a challenging journey that should never be traveled alone. Asking for help is the first and most challenging step for addicts and their loved ones. Addicts struggle with the painstakingly long road to recovery, but many neglect the pain of the addict’s family. Addiction is not an isolated incident as the disease affects the entire family and other loved ones. Family and friends typically receive most of the backlash and consequences associated with substance abuse. The loved ones may place the addict’s feelings/needs above their own and endure self-guilt due to the addict’s substance abuse and subsequent behavior.

Many families are challenged with the addict’s behavior and their personal emotions, resulting in a lack of self-care. A lack of emotional and/or mental care may lead to depression, and/or anxiety. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Family therapy provides the appropriate tools to help struggling families and friends cope with feelings of guilt, shame, anger, sadness, etc. Family therapy is specifically designed to remedy these undesirable emotions by allowing each individual to be heard and accepted in a nonjudgmental space. Family and friends can feel cared for and fulfilled, creating positive reactions with the addict. Ultimately, family therapy sessions enable loved ones to understand/support one another and cope with the addict’s conflict/behavior in a health manner.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcoholism or alcohol abuse please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively, at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit http://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com/



Therapy, Men in therapy: Why do men find it difficult to seek help for psychological issues?

By: Ipek Yurttutan

Barriers in our society have prevented men from seeking therapy, but why? According to CDC, only 8% of American men received counseling or therapy in 2020. (CDC, 2020) Help-seeking may be perceived as a feminine quality and as well as a direct threat to the concept of masculinity. Depression is the leading mental health disorder that effects men. (6 million every year) Men tend to express their depressive symptoms different than women, and majority do not fit in the criteria for the DSM5-TR. For instance, externalizing behaviors such as alcohol consumption, aggressive behaviors and irritability are very common among men. Some men stay away from therapy because they might dislike the idea that seeking help will make them look “weak”. These biases are deeply ingrained within our society that even some professionals may have certain expectations of men such as behaving like the masculine stereotypes. In some cases these expectations may lead to misdiagnosis and wrong treatment plans. It is very important that we diminish these unrealistic expectations and let everyone have the same access to mental health care.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively, at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more information, please visit http://www.counselingpsychotherapynjny.com/

Interviewing Children as Eyewitnesses: Ethical Challenges

By: Ipek Yurttutan

Eyewitness memory plays a significant role in up to 75% of wrongful convictions in a
criminal justice system. Because of the nature of our memories, some information
might get lost or new piece of information might alter what we remember. According
to Gail S. Goodman and Jennifer M Schaat, it is still up to debate if accepting
misleading information that is suggested in leading questions may change
children’s memory. Emotions may play a big role as the misleading questions
during an interview when a child is an eyewitness and, therefore, memory
accuracy may depend on the child’s emotional state. It is important that the
interviewee does not take advantage of the children because they interpret the
world differently than we do.  More
research is needed in order to determine whether children are reliable as
eyewitnesses and if an age restriction should also be required for children’s
testimony to be taken as evidence during trials.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental
health, please contact our psychotherapy offices in New York or New Jersey to
talk to one of our licensed professional psychologists, psychiatrists,
psychiatric nurse practitioners, or psychotherapists at Arista Counseling &
Psychotherapy. Contact our Paramus, NJ or Manhattan, NY offices respectively,
at (201) 368-3700 or (212) 722-1920 to set up an appointment. For more
information, please visit
